Created by musicians for musicians
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Why We Created

Artists are struggling to promote their music, reach the right listeners, and get discovered. Curators are struggling to grow their playlists and gain more followers without getting spammed by irrelevant song submissions.
We built PlaylistMap to solve both problems.

What is PlaylistMap?

PlaylistMap is the first-ever Artist Discovery Platform. Powered by our proprietary AI algorithm, we use advanced technology and data-driven insights to simplify discovery for artists, labels, and curators.

With PlaylistMap, independent artists and labels can pinpoint hyper-relevant playlists and pitch their songs directly to curators. Curators gain detailed insights on their listeners and a stream of song submissions that suit their playlists.

Our Mission

We empower artists to own their music careers and succeed in the digital streaming world, without needing to rely on labels or expensive marketing campaigns.

At the same time, we’re improving curators’ experience by helping them reduce irrelevant pitches and providing key data on their playlists so they can increase their followings.

PlaylistMap By The Numbers




Potentials Listeners

